After a long line going through immigration and equipment that wasn’t working, with a 2hr delays for our excursion, we got to enjoy this fantastic city. Very Very clean and no smoking permitted on the streets under penalty. “love it” The island is small and 75% of inhabitants are from Chinese descent, 15% are Malaise and the rest mixed.
My excursion was a 3 hr drive with police escort on our way to 9th-century Borobudur Temple, the largest Buddhist monument in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage. There is six terrace with carved pictures depicting Buddhist history.
Following the Birds show was the Dance the music is a tap tap sound made by accompanying men’s, this was followed by a men walking on top of coconuts husks set on fire.
Our evening excursion took us to a ”Bird Paradise” a beautiful park, got there before sunsets so we were able to take some photos. Enjoy a nice dinner buffet followed by a bird show and the “Traditional Dance”